57 years means many things.
20,818.8225 days
499,651.74 hours
1,798,746,264 seconds.
33,288,000,000 miles traveled around the sun.
Put another way it means that you have lived quite a lot. When you were born humans had yet to land on the moon, and ARPANET was still a year away! The Vietnam war was ongoing and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alive.
This should not make you feel old because old is more a mentality than any number. You should be proud that through all the insane ups and downs of the last 57 years you are here and you are loved.
In my own life there is no one who cares as deeply about the minutia of my work and celebrates my accomplishments as their own as you. The simple confidence that having your support instills makes me want to be a better person, and it makes me want to be like you. I hope when I am 57 years into my journey that I have a tenth of the patience and wisdom that you have.
I am incredibly proud of your past year, from starting your own company to hiking a 13-day Himalayan trail, your year reads like a 24 year olds adventures!
It sucks that we cannot celebrate you properly in personal all together today, but Siya and I love you and we will celebrate soon.
Happy birthday Baba 💚